• Administrator

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    The idea behind “Biographies” is to share with the rest of the users the story of the character you plan to play on the server. This story can include fictional events that have happened in the character's life, an explanation of their personality, and their physical appearance. A biography is one of the fundamental pillars for any good character, where one uses and unleashes their imagination to create a captivating story not only for themselves but also for the other users who make up GTA HUB.

    Biographies should be written exclusively in English for clarity and accessibility!

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    • The title of the thread when creating a biography should be the FIRST and LAST NAME of the character.

    • Creating biographies for more than one character is allowed.

    • Using biographies of real people is prohibited.

    • Assigning "SUPERPOWERS" to your character is prohibited.

    • Copying biographies from other users is prohibited.

    • The biography must be written with spelling and punctuation rules.

    • The biography should be written in chronological order.

    • No approval is required to publish, although we reserve the right to delete.

    • Publish the biography in “Character Biographies”.

    • We encourage you to be creative and express the maximum story of your character.

    • The user is allowed to use images, as long as they help the development of their story.

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    Avoid the use of stereotypes, describe events that have marked your character, develop both their skills and weaknesses, review and reread your biography before publishing it, be as creative as you want.

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    • FULL NAME: The name you will use on the server (First_Last).

    • AGE: Your character's age.

    • PLACE OF BIRTH: You can choose real or GTA universe locations.

    • NATIONALITY: Your character's nationality.

    • GENDER: Male or female.

    • PARENTS: Describe your character's parents, their names, nationality, and attributes.

    • PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Your character's height, eye color, hair color, etc.

    • PERSONALITY: Describe your character's personality.

    • CHILDHOOD: Describe your character's childhood.

    • YOUTH: Describe your character's youth.

    • CURRENT STATUS: Describe your character's current life.

    • EDUCATION: Describe your character's education and professional preparation.

    • OTHERS: Add any other details you want to mention in your biography.


    * **FULL NAME:** The name you will use on the server (First_Last).
    * **AGE:** Your character's age.
    * **PLACE OF BIRTH:** You can choose real or GTA universe locations.
    * **NATIONALITY:** Your character's nationality.
    * **GENDER:** Male or female.
    * **PARENTS:** Describe your character's parents, their names, nationality, and attributes.
    * **PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:** Your character's height, eye color, hair color, etc.
    * **PERSONALITY:** Describe your character's personality.
    * **CHILDHOOD:** Describe your character's childhood.
    * **YOUTH:** Describe your character's youth.
    * **CURRENT STATUS:** Describe your character's current life.
    * **EDUCATION:** Describe your character's education and professional preparation.
    * **OTHERS:** Add any other details you want to mention in your biography.*

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