[INFORMATION] GTAHUB - Official Launcher

  • Administrator

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    The new GTAHUB launcher available on our official website is certified under an EV Code Signing Certificate.

    What is an EV Code Signing Certificate?

    It is a certificate designed to provide security, authenticity, and integrity in internet downloads.

    The certificate ensures and verifies that the download comes from a legally registered company in an accepted jurisdiction, such as the United States, for example.
    It also guarantees that it does not contain any malicious files, and Windows will automatically accept it without any blocking.

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    You should only download the GTAHUB Launcher from our official website: https://gtahub.gg

    Under no circumstances should you accept a file from another site, as it may contain malicious files that can infect and damage your computer.

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    To determine if the file you downloaded is from the organization responsible for GTAHUB (GAMERSHUB) and is authentic, when you run it, the following message will appear:

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    In the launcher, GAMERSHUB LLC should appear as "Verified publisher," which translates to "Publicador Verificado" in Spanish.

    If you do not receive this message, the file may be malicious, and you should report it immediately at support.gtahub.gg

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