Jacob Smith

    • FULL NAME: Jacob Smith

    • AGE: 26 years old.

    • PLACE OF BIRTH: Davis, Los Santos, San Andreas. U.S.

    • GENDER: Male.

    • PARENTS: Jacob Smith has a father and a mother who were never separated and are:

    • Kendrick Smith: Kendrick Smith was a humble man born in Davis who grew up in the same slums and when he turned 24 he applied for the Los Santos Sheriff Department, demonstrating great performance. He is a large muscular man, 1.87 meters tall, with very marked features like his father's, open brown eyes, blonde hair and, above all, a large jaw.

    • Clara Johnson: Clara Johnson was a girl from a family with a fairly high social status, however, she did not give up on anything. At the University of Los Santos she met a young and handsome boy named Kendrick Smith and the two graduated together happily, and today they have a family. Clara Johnson looks a lot like her mother, she has the same slanted, light eyes and the same thickness of hair.

    • PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Jacob Smith is a tall boy for his age, measuring 1.85 and weighing 83 KG, with dark eye color similar to brown. A small mouth, which matches the size of the nose, and thick but firm eyebrows. His haircut that represents him a lot, the Japanese cut.

    • PERSONALITY: Jacob Smith is a calm and quiet boy, he only gives importance to the things he believes are appropriate, however, when he sets his mind to something he has a cold mentality and focuses on achieving his goals.

    • CHILDHOOD: It all goes back to June 8, 1998, an ordinary day for a citizen, but that same day Jacob Smith was born at the Davis hospital, Los Santos. He grew up in a neighborhood called Little Seoul with his mother and father, where he made several friends such as Luca González and Liam Brown. At the age of 3, his parents decided to enroll him in the Los Santos School until he was 12 years old, during that period of time he discovered how much he liked to watch weazel news and the whole topic of journalism.

    • YOUTH: At 12 years old he received a scholarship for High School, which fortunately were his two best friends as well. At this time, not much happened, just a romance with a classmate named Laura Brown, which ended after 3 years of dating. studies and graduated with an excellent G.E.D, thus obtaining a degree at the University of Los Santos.

    • CURRENT STATUS: Currently, Jacob Smith is studying in a course with the help of his father to oppose weazel news.

    • EDUCATION: Degree from Los Santos University and a journalism certificate from California State University.

    • OTHERS: N/A

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